What is your God-ordained destiny?

The Bible makes it clear that you have a choice about your destiny. You can either spend eternity with God or without him. God has pre-ordained your destiny depending on the choice that you make. Since God knows the end from the beginning, he knows which choice we will make before we are even born. In fact, he made provisions for our destiny before he created the world.

Ephesians 1:4,5 says,

4 For he chose us  in him before the creation of the world  to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love  5 he predestined  us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure  and will–

And Romans 8:29 says,

For those God foreknew he also predestined  to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

So before he even created man, God knew what man would do, and ordained that those who chose to cast their lot with him would be adopted into his family, having been made holy and blameless, and thus able to live in his presence for eternity.

Sadly, for those whom he knew would choose to  reject his offer to join with him, God  ordained an eternal destiny of separation from him.

The choice is yours. And your destiny depends on the choice that you make.


What is Spiritual Entrepreneurship?

If you do an internet search for spiritual entrepreneurship, you will find numerous answers to that question. These include ideas such as bringing together unlimited entrepreneurial and spiritual resources to support the unlimited potential that exists within all of us, learning to balance spirituality, business and money, combining the best qualities of a social entrepreneur and a spiritual teacher, and the spiritual pursuit of profit for the purpose of bringing about great change to the world and becoming connected to the divine power. In one way or another these all involve incorporating spiritual principles of some sort to the world of business.

My definition of spiritual entrepreneurship is a bit different from these. I believe that God has created each one of  us for a specific purpose, and that we need to let him show us what that purpose is. Each of us has a totally unique set of talents, abilities, passions and God-given gifts that perfectly answer a need somewhere in the world. God’s purpose for us is to find that place and fill that need. In order to do that we will need to be risk takers – willing to move out of our comfort zone and take on new and difficult tasks with no guarantees of success, so that we can gain experience and hone our skills, learning from our mistakes along the way.   This is the essence of entrepreneurship. You can attempt this on your own, and probably achieve some measure of success. But in order to be ultimately successful in fulfilling the purpose that God has for you, you will need to be guided and empowered by God’s Holy Spirit. This can be frightening at first, because God’s plans for you go far beyond what you probably think that you are capable of. But if you let him, he will guide you step by step, and will give you the power and authority to do everything that he asks you to do. And the results will be amazing. This is what I mean by spiritual entrepreneurship.