Career Transition Support Group

This is the group that Mike Shaw and I facilitate. Mike is a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and we utilize Clifton Strengths and the Enneagram to help people understand their uniqueness and what they have to offer the world. We then encourage them to explore ways to utilize this knowledge to discover opportunities for meaningful work .

Our purpose is not only to provide moral support to persons in career transition, but also to assist them in identifying and utilizing their strengths, and to equip them with the tools necessary for a successful job search. These include:

  • An attention-grabbing resume
  • A well-developed LinkedIn profile
  • Using Clifton Strengths and the Enneagram to better  define your identity and life purpose
  • The use of the Internet and social media to facilitate the job search
  • Networking skills
  • Interviewing skills

Beginning on May 19, 2021 we will once again meet on the first and third Wednesdays of every month at Grace Presbyterian Church of Plano, TX in Room MB2 at 9:00 a.m. Central Time.  You can also join the meeting via Zoom. The link to log on is:

Meeting ID: 883 7732 2718

Passcode: 139584

For further information contact the facilitators:
Mike Shaw at [email protected]
Bill Harrison at [email protected]