My wife Mary and I had an exciting and adventurous life together for nearly 53 years. It began in January 1965 when we were married after dating for about 18 months. At first our lives were not much different from other young couples of that time. Things began to change, however, beginning on the weekend of our 5th wedding anniversary. While attending a program at our church led by laypeople much like us, we noticed a difference in their lives. They had a joyous and energetic approach to life that they attributed to their commitment to the lordship of Jesus Christ and to following his will for their lives. We were captivated by their enthusiasm and wanted what they had for ourselves. So we both made our own commitment to Christ’s lordship and began to seek his will for us also.
The only immediate change was a sense that our lives had a purpose beyond what we had previously imagined. Gradually that sense led us to more earnestly seek what plans God had for us. Although we were making small changes in our approach to life, our first big challenge came three years later. My chosen profession in the aerospace industry was rapidly losing its allure due to cutbacks in government spending and company consolidations throughout the entire industry. At the same time, Mary was completing the requirements for a PhD in Marketing and began receiving offers from out of state universities regarding a position on their faculty. After long and prayerful consideration, and with the encouragement of our pastor, we decided that I would terminate my employment and we would move from north Texas to south Louisiana so that Mary could begin her academic career as a member of the Louisiana State University faculty.
That was the first step in what proved to be an exciting and rewarding series of adventures that took us from Louisiana to Virginia and back to Texas and through a series of careers in several different industries for both of us. In the process we learned that our talents, skills, experience and God-given gifts could be applied in different ways in many diverse situations. All that was required was a willingness to go wherever God led us and to do whatever he asked us to do. In the process of so doing we learned that God had a plan for our lives that was more challenging that our own plans, but also far more exciting and rewarding. In the process we were afforded opportunities to go places (including all 50 of the United States and some 60 foreign countries) and do things that went far beyond what we had expected for ourselves.
Based on our life experiences as a married couple with dual professional careers, Mary and I developed the concept that we call spiritual entrepreneurship. The challenges we faced in fulfilling the requirements of two separate careers without neglecting our family obligations led us to the principles and practices of this concept.
For the full story of what spiritual entrepreneurship is and how Mary and I came to discover its principles our new book, “Spiritual Entrepreneurship – Fulfilling Your God-ordained Destiny” is now available in both paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon:
Mary passed away in December 2017, three months after the book was published. She is continuing her journey in the heavenly realm. In the meantime, the earthly adventure continues for me.