My understanding of purpose continues to evolve. As I have documented earlier, I have learned that God’s plans for me go far beyond my mortal life in this present universe. His long range purpose for me on this Earth is to prepare me for the role I will be assigned in the kingdom of God on the new Earth when he “makes all things new”. That purpose never changes. Also, since I became a part of the Body of Christ I am involved in God’s revelation of himself through the nature and actions of the Body. If we who constitute the Body of Christ on Earth conduct ourselves in the manner that Christ modeled for us during his earthly life, we accurately reflect God’s nature. If we do not, we sully his name and give the world a false impression of who he is. In that sense, our purpose is to surrender ourselves (our bodies and our wills) to God and to allow him to work what he wills through us. That purpose, too, never changes.
While I am still here, though, his short term purpose for me changes over time. When I married my wife and then became a father to my daughter, my purpose included providing for their needs to the point of giving them priority over my own needs. I confess that I did not always do a very good job of this, although my behavior in this regard improved over time. When my daughter married, her husband took over the responsibility for her well-being that had been mine. My responsibility for my wife’s well-being then became my sole primary responsibility. In recent years this required more and more of my time and energy as her health continued to deteriorate. My purpose in life centered more exclusively on her until her passing into the eternal realm last December.
Immediately after her passing, I was at somewhat of a loss for a time as to what my purpose was now. However, I have gradually come to realize that my area of responsibility has broadened to include more of the family of God outside of my immediate family. And since I now have more time and energy available I need to expend it in a wider circle. Although I do not yet know exactly what that will entail, I am eagerly anticipating God’s revelation of his new purpose for me.
I have had a most exciting and rewarding life up to now, but I firmly believe the best is yet to come. Bring it on.